Krud Kutter Prepaint Cleaner/TSP Substitute This product cleans and deglosses prior to painting.
The Purple Painted Lady loves this product but unlike the brands instructions, WE STRONGLY recommend that after using it however that you follow up with a fresh rag and clean water. Wipe the whole piece down to remove any residual cleaner. Chalk Paint does not like to be applied on a surface where cleaner has been left behind.
Krud Kutter states that it is .....a no-rinse (wipe-on, wipe-off) formula works great on crayon, dirt, food stains, grease, grime, heel marks, mildew stains, old wallpaper past, smoke stains, wax and more. It helps remove pledge build-up, etc from your piece. We especially recommend Krud Kutter Pre-Paint Cleaner before painting your kitchen cabinets.
After using this product; it may be painted over anytime after ten minutes and up to one week later.