Sanding Pads by Annie Sloan.
These come in a package of three. The top sponge is blue and it is the course. The red sponge in the middle is a medium grit and the green sponge is the fine grit.
They are reusable! Once you have saturated the sanding sponge, wash it well with a little warm water and a small drop of dish soap. I love that I can re-use them over and over. again
They are awesome used both either when dry or ,,,here is a great secret on how to use them.... lightly moisten the sanding sponge with water. It should NOT be dripping wet...just lightly moist! So, get them wet and then squeeze out all excess water! Then go over the dried chalk paint and "polish" the surface a bit...... this will knock down some of the surface tension of the peaks of the brush strokes and will NOT create any dust. Try it- you will love it! I would recommend that you paint a couple coats of Chalk Paint and then polish the surface of the last application once it has fully dried with Annie's sanding sponges. Annie's trio come with a fine, medium and coarse grit pad. Personally, I like to cut each one in half using a pair of scissors so the pad fits into my hand better. They are reusable - in that ...when the nooks and crannies on them become clogged with paint dust from polishing or sanding the the Chalk Paint - they can be washed out under the kitchen sink and voila! They are clean and ready to be used again. Please don't use these to sand wood prior to painting. These are meant to be used with Chalk Paint.
DIMENSIONS: The pads are about a 6.5" long and maybe 4.5 inches wide. Agai, I cut them in half so they fit in my hand better. They are $10 for the bundle and there is NO color transfer.