It builds up layers very quickly making it suitable for découpage.
It is extra thick and easy to apply but should be applied thinly. It can even seal in a thick vinyl sticker (see photo above showing steps.)
Apply over paper such as gift wrap or tissue paper, and for best results, use several layers to give a smooth finish.
If you have used Annie's Decoupage, you will know without a doubt there is NO comparison! It goes on so smooth without any air bubbles or lumps of glue under your paper. It dries so quickly that you can get a project finished in 2 hours- start to finish! You can also use Annie's clear and dark wax over the varnish and her Craqueleur over it as well. It is fabulous!
TROUBLE SHOOTING.....If your paper is tearing when using it- you are either:
1. Applying water to the paper- which is not necessary if the piece is small, and if it’s big- you only need a little water to flatten it out.
2. You are fussing with it! Leave it alone once it is applied.
3. You are applying the Decoupage glue to the paper. You need to apply it to the furniture.
Also- here is a tip! Let the paper dry and then top coat. When working with delicate papers, stretch a piece of plastic wrap over and smooth from over the wrap. That way your fingers are not actually touching the paper and tearing it. Then- carefully lift the plastic wrap and let dry.
And now- here is even more amazing functionality of the Decoupage Varnish & Glue - it is very strong and has excellent coverage. Five thin coats are enough to cover over to make a flat finish and again, it dries very quickly.
It is also a Transfer Gel. It is used on the transfer piece in Annie's Colour Recipes Book (the Classic face in black and white).
Annie Sloan Image Medium can be used for transferring any image onto furniture, walls – and even fabric!
- Print your image using a laser printer or photocopy it onto normal copier paper. When choosing your image, bear in mind that it will transfer in reverse, so you may need to flip the image first before printing it out, especially if any text is included.
- Using sharp scissors, cut your image out, getting as close to the image outline as possible.
- Start with a surface that has been painted but not waxed (unless you’re transferring onto fabric, then just make sure it’s clean and crease free). Once the paint is completely dry, your image can be applied.
- Brush a thin layer of Annie Sloan’s Image Medium over the part of the surface you would like to transfer your image onto. Be careful not to make the area on which you are gluing much larger than the image, as the unused glue will leave a slightly sticky, shiny area when it is not covered by the picture.
- Being extremely careful, paint the image right side up with a very thin layer of Image Medium and, whilst it is still wet, slide it on to your surface face down. Make sure any air bubbles are worked out or even pricked with a pin as you don’t want these on your finished piece.
- Rub the image with a dry cloth, making sure it is totally stuck to the surface (don’t forget the edges!) and leave it to dry completely.
- Now wet the paper with a little water. Once it is damp but not soggy, start to rub it in little circular movements with either a cloth or your finger. The paper will start to come off in layers. At first, it may look a little cloudy – keep going!
- Once all the paper is off, the image will be clear, although it may look a little dull once it is dry so brush the whole thing over with clear Chalk Paint® Wax. You can rough it up a little by gently sanding the edges, or leave it as a clean, crisp image.
When decoupaging photos to glass - like as in an old window pane- be sure to bring the medium all the way to the edges of the panes. Annie's decoupage dries to a matte finish and will leave a halo if you don't do that.
The container stands about 2.5 inches tall and contains 125mL per pot.