Immediately after applying your second coat of the Copper Reactive Metallic Paint, while it is still wet- apply your Green Patina Aging Solution.
Always apply your Green Patina Aging Solution BEFORE the Blue Aging Solution- since the Green takes longer to activate the copper.
Also- you will want to experiment on smaller samples or pieces with this!
Depending on the end result you are trying to a achieve-
We have found that this process works best, by either :
1. dropping on some tablespoon size puddles of the GREEN Patina Aging Solution in various locations in different spots - but leave voids so you have places to drop the Blue Aging Solution after waiting a few minutes.
The Green Aging Solution and Blue Aging Solution will eventually merge and just becomes one. But try to to only add enough where they merge slightly and not just form a lake of soupy solution where they are mixed together solid.
I DO recommend leaving voids where you want your copper paint to stay bright and coppery WITHOUT putting any aging solution on them because I love seeing little spots of copper still through this effect!
Once you have both the Green and Blue Aging Solutions on- allow solutions to dry on their own and evaporate. This may take a good 6 to 8 hours- but they will!
It is important you formed a slight dam around the other perimeter of your surface when you applied the Metal Affect Acid Blocking Primer (STEP 1) and your Copper Reactive Metallic Paint. This dam seriously is very slight, but you are creating a lip to hold liquid in. Please make sure you have a protective tablecloth on your work area and - consider even placing a drop cloth on your floor- if you tend to be messy. Applying Painters Tape around the outer edge will NOT work.
We are sorry – there are NO RETURNs when it comes to paint products.
With that said- we apologize for any issues this may cause. Choose wisely and do not spontaneously purchase a color or product if unsure. OK? In fact- if you need help in deciding- ask us. We are here to help you! : ) 585-750-6056