Oil based stains must be completely dry before using a water based top coat. Wait a minimum of 48 hours before applying FOF or any of our other water based topcoats.
Flat Out flat is not recommended for high use areas such as cabinets and table tops. Use High Performance or Arm-R-Seal instead.
SURFACE PREPARATION: On raw wood, sand with the grain using #120 and finishing with #220 grit paper. On stained wood, sanding with #320 or finer paper or buffing with a buffing pad is optional. Do not sand through the stain. APPLICATION:
1. STIR WELL, prior to use.
2. Using a foam brush or paint pad applicator,
3. apply GF FOF liberally using smooth, even strokes going with the grain. Use enough material to provide a wet film. DO NOT over brush. OR back brush! Have plenty of product on your sponge applicator so it flows evenly. Apply and move on.
3. Sand between coats using #320-#400 grit paper or extra fine to super fine sanding pads. Remove dust before recoating.
4. Three coats is recommended.
DRY TIME: Dry time is normally 2-4 hours under ideal conditions (70 F or 21 C, 70% humidity). Cooler temperatures and higher humidity will prolong drying time up to 8-10 hours.CURE TIME: Light use (7-10 days), Regular use (21 days)